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Title: Factor impacting Xiaohongshu live streaming on purchase intention among users in Kunming City, China
Authors: Qi Su
Keywords: Live Streaming
The Extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior
Technology Acceptance Model
Purchase Intention
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: In China, live e-commerce plays an important role in the retail industry, and the huge user base and transaction volume are changing the purchase intention. This study aims to explore the impact of streamer’s credibility, media richness, interactivity, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use on the purchase intentions of Xiaohongshu users from Gen Y to Gen Z in Kunming when watching live streaming. The study takes purchase intention as the dependent variable and the other five factors as the independent variables. This study used a quantitative research method, a total of 400 questionnaires were collected through online distribution. Descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression were carried out by SPSS. The research results show that streamer’s credibility (P < 0.01), media richness (P < 0.01), interactivity (P < 0.05), perceived usefulness (P < 0.01), and perceived ease of use (P < 0.01) all significantly and positively impact the purchase intention of Xiaohongshu users to watch the live streaming. In addition, the research results show that streamer’s credibility (β = 0.237) has the greatest impact on purchase intention, followed by and perceived ease of use (β = 0.227), media richness (β = 0.198), perceived usefulness (β = 0.147), and interactivity (β = 0.131).
Description: Independent Study (M.Com.Arts.)--Global Communication, Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2023
Advisor(s): Maneenate Worrachananun
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/5903
Appears in Collections:Independent Studies
Independent Studies - Master

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