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Title: The influence of psychological, social, and cultural factors towards on online shopping in Bangkok, Thailand
Authors: Meral Acemogullari
Keywords: Psychological
Consumer Buying Behavior
Online Shopping
Office Employee
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: This study aims to research the influence of the factors towards consumer buying behavior on online shopping. The three independent variables of this study are psychological, social, and cultural factors. The sub-variables of psychological factors include motivation, perception, learning, and belief and attitude. The sub-variables of social factors include reference group, family, and role in society. The sub-variables of cultural factors include religion, gender and status. The dependent variable is towards consumer buying behavior on online shopping in Bangkok, Thailand. The sample size of this research was 237 survey respondents from working people in 10 districts in Bangkok. The researcher used quantitative research for the data collection. In this study, mixed methods used which are online and paper-based survey used and the process done between May to June. This study provides a detailed discussion on how factors influence on consumer behavior on online shopping in Bangkok. The result I found family and religion factor did not influence towards consumer buying behavior on online shopping.
Description: Independent Study (M.B.A.)--Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2020
Advisor(s): Suthinan Pomsuwan
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/4713
Appears in Collections:Independent Studies - Master
Independent Studies

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