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Title: The influence of K-Pop celebrities’ storytelling techniques in TikTok on Thai fan’s celebrity credibility and worship behavior
Authors: Zheng Xu
Keywords: K-Pop Celebrities
Storytelling Techniques
Celebrity Credibility
Worship Behavior
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: This research explores the influence of storytelling techniques of K-Pops celebrities’ video via TikTok on celebrity credibility and how their celebrity credibility influences Thai fans’ worship behavior. Two-hundred twenty-six Thai TikTok users aged 16-year-old to 24 years and are current fans of K-pop celebrities were selected using snowball sampling method. The findings revealed that songs and dance & music are two significant positive predictors of respondents’ perceived celebrity credibility. However, artists are not significant predictors. In addition, all celebrity credibility dimensions are accountable for respondents’ perceived celebrity worship at the rate of 10.7%, which is considered in the low level. These findings suggested that trustworthiness are significant positive predictors of Thai TikTok’s worship behavior.to their K-pop celebrities. This study provides valuable insights for communication practitioners and administrative levels in the Entertainment industry to better understand the impact of K-pop celebrity factors in shaping of TikTok users’ worship behavior to their admired K-pop celebrities. Most importantly the study revealed the psychological motivations and psychological processes underlying Fanclub’s worship behavior, which will reveal valuable knowledge in Fanclub idol worship research in the Entertainment industry in Thailand, South Korea, China, or other countries in South-East Asia region.
Description: Independent Study (M.Com.Arts)--Global Communications, Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2022
Advisor(s): Pacharaporn Kesaprakorn
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/5737
Appears in Collections:Independent Studies - Master

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