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Title: The Impact of Service Quality, Logistic Management, And Safety Towards Customer Satisfaction to Use the National Airline Carriers in Africa: A Case Study of the Democratic Republic of Congo Aviation Sector
Authors: Laura Kabange Numbi
Keywords: Measurement of Service Quality
Measurement of Logistic management Measurement of Safety Perception
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: The study focused on the Democratic Republic of the Congo's aviation sector and sought to identify the impact of service quality, logistic management, and safety towards customer satisfaction to use the national airline carriers in Africa. The specific objectives of the study were: to study the impact of Measurement of Service Quality (Flight Schedule, Cabin Environment and In-flight Entertainment), Measurement of Logistic management (Pricing Schemes, Information about service delivery & Lead Time) and to study the impact of Measurement of Safety Perception (Safety features and equipment, Communication & Covid-19 safety measures) on customer satisfaction to use the national airline carriers in Africa. Questionnaires were used as the primary data gathering instrument in quantitative research approaches. Interview schedule were also developed to collect data from the crew management. The study design was cross-sectional, offering a snapshot of the characteristics of the target group. The study population comprised of those who used the Congo Airline between January and August of the year 2023. A random sample of 250 respondents was chosen using a stratified random sampling technique. The study also included 20 airline officials. The statistical program was used for data analysis, allowing for hypothesis assessment and the discovery of links between service quality, logistical management, safety, and customer happiness. Findings show a diversified passenger population, emphasizing the necessity for customized services to satisfy a range of expectations. Flight Schedule shows potential for improvement, while Cabin Environment and In-Flight Entertainment have a favorable influence on customer happiness. Passenger experiences are improved by effective logistic management, which includes pricing strategies and information distribution. Safety perception, which includes Covid-19 measures and safety features, is crucial. Enhancing service quality, effective logistics, safety precautions, and implementing a customer-centric strategy are among the recommendations made to increase overall consumer satisfaction in the African national airline business.
Description: Thesis (M.B.A.)--Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2023
Advisor(s): Suthinan Ponsuwan
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/5783
Appears in Collections:Theses

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