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Title: The impact of media exposure and news credibility on the trust of new media of Pro-Beijing media outlets among Hong Kong residents: A study of 2019 Hong Kong protest
Authors: Xinyi Chen
Keywords: Hong Kong Protest
Pro-Beijing Media
Media Exposure
News Credibility
Trust in Media
Issue Date: 2025
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: This study examined the impact of media exposure and news credibility on trust in pro-Beijing media outlets during the 2019 Hong Kong protest. The study employed purposive sampling and convenience sampling to engage 200 residents of Hong Kong, aiming to analyse how their exposure to pro-Beijing media outlets correlated with their perceptions of news credibility. Using a conceptual framework that positioned media exposure as an independent variable, news credibility as a mediating variable, and trust as the dependent variable, this research explored how these factors predicted the trust of news media of pro-Beijing media. The study analysed the dimensions of media exposure, including frequency and platforms, to assess their influence on perceptions of news credibility, defined by reliability, accuracy, and impartiality. The data were analysed using linear regression, and the key findings were as follows: 1) Media exposure to Wen Wei Po was a significant negative predictor of trust as mediated by news credibility as perceived by Hong Kong respondents. However, news credibility is not a significant predictor of Hong Kong respondents’ trust of Wen Wei Po 2) Media exposure to Orange News was a significant negative predictor of trust, while news credibility does not have a significant effect on respondents' trust in Orange News. 3) Media exposure to HKG Pao was a significant negative predictor of trust, but news credibility does not have a statistically significant impact on respondents' trust in HKG Pao. This study highlighted the complex interplay between media exposure, news credibility, and trust, emphasizing that trust was shaped not only by content quality but also by audience emotions and political polarization during periods of social unrest.
Description: Independent Study (M.Com.Arts)--Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2023
Advisor(s): Pacharaporn Kesaprakorn
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/5910
Appears in Collections:Independent Studies
Independent Studies - Master

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