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Title: The Effects of Culture-Embedded Advertisements on Consumers’ Brand Recognition and Brand Preference: A Case Study of Johnson & Johnson
Authors: Yiyin Liang
Keywords: Culture-Embedded Advertising
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions
Brand Recognition
Brand Preference
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Bangkok University
Abstract: This study aims to examine the impact of culture-embedded advertisements on consumers' brand recognition and brand preference. With six Johnson & Johnson advertisements based on Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions as stimulus, survey using online questionnaire was conducted with 300 adult samples in China. Samples were categorized into two groups in terms of six cultural dimensions (individualist vs. collectivist; masculine vs feminine; high vs low power distance; long-term vs short-term orientation; certainty vs. uncertainty avoidance; restraint vs, indulgent). Independent samples T-Test testing the hypothesized impact of advertising exposure on brand recognition by comparing between the matched and un-matched samples (HP#1) shows partially significant support. The Linear Regression Analysis testing the hypothesized impact of brand recognition on brand preference (HP#2) reveals significant support. Advertising implications for global brand advertisers were given.
Description: Independent Study (M.Com.Arts)--Graduate School, Bangkok University, 2023
Advisor(s): Ratanasuda Punnahitanond
URI: http://dspace.bu.ac.th/jspui/handle/123456789/5795
Appears in Collections:Independent Studies
Independent Studies - Master

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